Creating variety of animal models based on the latest articles

Creating variety of animal models based on the latest articles
The use of animal models in anatomical and physiological studies has played a significant role in advancing science and research in the field of health. In this way, different animal models have been developed to investigate the progress of therapy and the molecular and genetic studies of various disorders. These animal models are employed as cancer, clinical, surgical, pharmaceutical, toxicological, medical research, rehabilitation medicine, and tissue engineering models. The Histogenotech company has been successful in the development of laboratory models in rats and mice, which could be fully established in the shortest possible time and at the right price, to provide these types of animal models for researchers.
- Spinal cord injury model
- Burn model
- Wound model
- Diabetic model
- Cirrhosis model of the liver
- MS model
- Parkinson’s Model
- Alzheimer’s model
- Epilepsy Model
- Addiction model
- Cancer and tumor model
- Azospermic Model
- Hyper simulation model
- Hypoxia model
- Ischemic model
- Testicular Tumor (Cryptorchidism) model
- Varicocele model
- Pseudo pregnancy model
- Vasectomy model
- Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCO) Model
- Fetal alformations using a variety of mutagenic drugs
- Oxidative stress model with a variety of exposure such as sound
- Mice model immune deficiency with the method of radiation
- Transgenic Model
- Tissue transplantation model