

Free advice on research projects, master’s and doctoral theses

 In all fields of medical sciences and basic medical sciences

In this type of consultation, experts in medical sciences and basic medical sciences provide you with scientific and practical solutions based on their many years of experience. This advice will allow you to solve your problems as best as possible.Maybe it has happened to you that you did not find the answer to your scientific questions in the mass of information from different sources, such as books, the Internet, and asking different people, or you faced the repetition and incompleteness of the information in the sources. In particular, some information can only be obtained through experience and may not be included in information sources. In addition, the answer to some questions requires complete expertise in several different fields, and a search engine usually cannot provide you with an answer from several different sources at the same time. Getting scientific advice from experts in these cases can be very helpful. People who have already traveled the scientific paths many times and know science both exprimentally and academically. Have you ever had this question, why even though the PhD or Master’s degree must be completed in 2 or 4 years, some students go through these procedures for a very long and tiring time. So that people who enter various academic fields with high motivation without any motivation are only looking to finish the course with any quality. If expert advisors are always by your side and with you in every part of education, both in education and research and skills training, they can, in addition to reducing the time and cost of the student during his studies, improve his thinking, initiative and creativity and also bring you enough energy and motivation to use what you have learned in the next courses, including the jobs in which they are used. If expert advisors are always by your side and with you in every part of education, both in education and research and skills training, they can lead to reducing the time and cost of students during their studies. In addition, they will bring you the power of thinking, initiative and creativity, as well as enough energy and motivation to use what you have learned in the next courses, including the jobs in which they will be used. RCO, having an experienced and experienced staff for more than a decade in the field of scientific and research consultations, has the honor of accompanying and helping students all over the world.


  1. Hello. Excuse me, I want to check the expression of a series of proteins. I know that I can do this by immunocytochemistry and western blot. But I don’t know what is the difference and advantage of these techniques and which one is better to use?

    1. The use of any of the above techniques depends on the type of tissue, protein marker, the field of study and the purpose of the research. For example, if the desired marker is one of the inflammatory factors, we suggest western blot, or if the desired protein is not secreted and is intracellular, we suggest immunohistochemistry. If the field of research is biochemistry, depending on the type of marker, Western blot can be suggested.
      To get complete and more accurate information, it is necessary to communicate with the center’s consultors.

  2. Hello.
    I wanted to know if it is possible to check cell aging using beta-galactosidase technique in your company?

    1. Hello good time.
      Yes, in RCO as the induction of the aging model, several stressful methods are used, including radiation or various compounds, which lead to the creation of internal or external signals of the aging process. For example, in the induction of cellular senescence, D-galactose can be used for all types of non-cancerous cells such as astrocytes, lens epithelium cells, etc., in these cell lines, the optimal concentration for inducing senescence stress is 55 mM and 125 mM of D-galactose. After the induction of the model and the treatment process, the level of beta-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) enzyme activity can be checked to check the aging rate.

  3. Hello, I appreciate your time.
    What colors are there for vital fluorescence staining of lysosomes and nuclei, and also for endoplasmic staining? Thank you for your guidance.

    1. Greetings and have a good time
      Neutral red dyes can be used to stain the lysosome due to its acidic properties before the cell fixation steps, after which specific antibodies for this organelle such as LAMP1 can be used, as well as dyes such as Nile Red. They are attached to the fat droplets and it stains well all membrane fats such as the endoplasmic reticulum wall. In addition, LysoTracker and ERTracker fluorescent dyes can be used for lysosome and endoplasmic reticulum staining, respectively.

  4. Please tell me the cost of transfection of the expression structure, checking the desired gene expression and the duration of this process

    1. Greetings
      All the mentioned cases can be done. The process of designing and building an expressive structure includes different stages, and in terms of the speed and progress time of each stage, it will be estimated according to the available materials and compounds. For detailed information about the project implementation time, it is suggested to call the company’s landline number 02166121981 extension 17 or 18 and follow up the related details through the consultants.

    1. Greetings and Regards
      Please mention the type of nanoparticle you want to produce with essential oil or for more information, call 02166121988 extension 12

  5. Thank you very much for your complete explanations in each section .
    I want to know which type of extract and which extraction method do you recommend for extracting the extract of medicinal mushrooms (sensitive to high temperature) containing active alkaloids and polysaccharides?

    1. Greetings and Regards
      You should use methods that do not use heat. Among these methods, maceration can be mentioned, alkaloids and polysaccharides can also be separated with hydroalcohol as a solvent.

  6. Greetings and respect. Is the TEM electron microscope available in the company for taking pictures to examine fish body tissue samples? Thanks .

  7. Hello The cost of 5 frozen semen samples to determine H2O2 concentration and mitochondrial membrane potential separately, please? Thanks

  8. Hello and have a good time
    Reference articles related to the sequence of my primers were accidentally deleted and I could not find articles through the NCBI website.
    Now I only have the primer sequences, how do I find the articles from which I extracted my primers
    Thank you for your guidance

    1. Hello good time
      For primer design, it is recommended not to use the sequences in the articles, and if the sequence of the articles is used, its quality must be controlled using the available software. If you have the primer sequence, you can find the desired article by searching the sequence itself. On the other hand, in the articles, it is not necessary to provide a reference for the primer, and if you do not get the desired reference for any reason, you will not have any problems in printing the article.

  9. Hello and have a good time
    Is it possible to produce nanoemulsion from plant extracts using an ultrasonic homogenizer to be more effective?

    1. Greetings and Regards
      Nanoemulsions have at least two phases, water and oil. The oily phase of the plant, i.e. essential oil, is often used to produce herbal emulsions.
      The ultrasonic device is efficient for extraction, but other processes are needed to produce nanoemulsions from plant extracts that include the aqueous phase.

  10. Hello, I want to work on the anti-Alzheimer effects of two plants. And I wanted to see if the extract was nanoemulsified, would it be more effective than hydroalcoholic?
    In addition, I wanted to have a face-to-face consultation, how to make a reservation?

    1. Greetings and Regards
      Hydroalcohols are known as solvents for extraction of extracts, and the oily phase of the plant, i.e. essential oil, is used to produce plant emulsions.
      While nanoemulsion is a combination of oil and water phase, which is separate from extract extraction.
      For face-to-face consultation, call the center’s phone numbers so that a time for face-to-face consultation will be given to you.
      02166121976 – 02166121981 – 02166121983

  11. Hello, don’t be tired
    Is it possible to extract plant exosomes from green tea plant or other medicinal plants by your center? Is the effect of exosomes greater than hydroalcoholic extract?
    Do you know whether these types of exosomes can be used in studies related to biological samples such as semen and sperm samples?

    1. Hello
      Yes, it is possible to extract exosomes from medicinal plants in the nanobiotechnology unit of Histogenotech.
      Often, the effect of extracts is much greater than exosomes
      But due to the size of the nanoparticle in the exosome, its efficiency is higher in cellular and molecular studies.
      These nanoparticles can be used in various studies such as germ cells and embryological samples.

  12. Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to prepare Beta vulgaris to feed pregnant mice, if so, how much is needed to feed 12 mice, and how much does it cost?

    1. It is possible to prepare beta vulgaris.
      Of course, it should be clear whether you need the plant or the extract of the plant. The dosage used in the study and the days of the study should also be determined.
      To get more detailed information and get free consulting services, call with numbers 02166121976 – 02166121981 – 02166121983

  13. Is it possible to measure the total amount of phenolic compounds and determine the percentage of their types in extracts from medicinal plants with antioxidant properties? If yes, in what way and are such services offered in your company?

    1. Hello, have a good time
      Yes, it is possible, first the compounds you want to be identified, in histogenotech, HPLC technique is used to measure the total amount of compounds.

  14. Hello, I would like to express my courtesy regarding the interpretation of pas coloring results. How can image j draw a diagram? I would appreciate your help and guidance. Thank you.

    1. Greetings and Regards
      Schiff’s periodic acid staining called PAS is used to identify mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, and glycogens for different tissues, including intestines, lungs, and stomach. In the intestinal tissue, the presence of goblet cells, which are responsible for the secretion of mucus in the intestine, can be seen with this staining in a flowery red color. In the lung, the secretions in the air sacs or in the walls of the bronchioles can be seen with this staining.
      In order to determine the percentage of a specific reaction in the cell by the image j software, first the cell or the studied area reacted with the desired color with the software, and then the software is compared to the entire photo or the total number of nuclei in the image. It reports the reaction rate as a percentage.
      To measure the area of ​​intestinal villi length with image j software, first go to the Analyze section in the software menu, the Set Scale section and record the scale size in the photo, and then draw a line around the villi with one of the pens available in the software. And then go to the Analyze section of the Measure section and see the measured area.

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  1. Hello. Excuse me, I want to check the expression of a series of proteins. I know that I can do this by immunocytochemistry and western blot. But I don’t know what is the difference and advantage of these techniques and which one is better to use?

    1. The use of any of the above techniques depends on the type of tissue, protein marker, the field of study and the purpose of the research. For example, if the desired marker is one of the inflammatory factors, we suggest western blot, or if the desired protein is not secreted and is intracellular, we suggest immunohistochemistry. If the field of research is biochemistry, depending on the type of marker, Western blot can be suggested.
      To get complete and more accurate information, it is necessary to communicate with the center’s consultors.

  2. Hello.
    I wanted to know if it is possible to check cell aging using beta-galactosidase technique in your company?

    1. Hello good time.
      Yes, in RCO as the induction of the aging model, several stressful methods are used, including radiation or various compounds, which lead to the creation of internal or external signals of the aging process. For example, in the induction of cellular senescence, D-galactose can be used for all types of non-cancerous cells such as astrocytes, lens epithelium cells, etc., in these cell lines, the optimal concentration for inducing senescence stress is 55 mM and 125 mM of D-galactose. After the induction of the model and the treatment process, the level of beta-galactosidase (SA-β-gal) enzyme activity can be checked to check the aging rate.

  3. Hello, I appreciate your time.
    What colors are there for vital fluorescence staining of lysosomes and nuclei, and also for endoplasmic staining? Thank you for your guidance.

    1. Greetings and have a good time
      Neutral red dyes can be used to stain the lysosome due to its acidic properties before the cell fixation steps, after which specific antibodies for this organelle such as LAMP1 can be used, as well as dyes such as Nile Red. They are attached to the fat droplets and it stains well all membrane fats such as the endoplasmic reticulum wall. In addition, LysoTracker and ERTracker fluorescent dyes can be used for lysosome and endoplasmic reticulum staining, respectively.

  4. Please tell me the cost of transfection of the expression structure, checking the desired gene expression and the duration of this process

    1. Greetings
      All the mentioned cases can be done. The process of designing and building an expressive structure includes different stages, and in terms of the speed and progress time of each stage, it will be estimated according to the available materials and compounds. For detailed information about the project implementation time, it is suggested to call the company’s landline number 02166121981 extension 17 or 18 and follow up the related details through the consultants.

    1. Greetings and Regards
      Please mention the type of nanoparticle you want to produce with essential oil or for more information, call 02166121988 extension 12

  5. Thank you very much for your complete explanations in each section .
    I want to know which type of extract and which extraction method do you recommend for extracting the extract of medicinal mushrooms (sensitive to high temperature) containing active alkaloids and polysaccharides?

    1. Greetings and Regards
      You should use methods that do not use heat. Among these methods, maceration can be mentioned, alkaloids and polysaccharides can also be separated with hydroalcohol as a solvent.

  6. Greetings and respect. Is the TEM electron microscope available in the company for taking pictures to examine fish body tissue samples? Thanks .

  7. Hello The cost of 5 frozen semen samples to determine H2O2 concentration and mitochondrial membrane potential separately, please? Thanks

  8. Hello and have a good time
    Reference articles related to the sequence of my primers were accidentally deleted and I could not find articles through the NCBI website.
    Now I only have the primer sequences, how do I find the articles from which I extracted my primers
    Thank you for your guidance

    1. Hello good time
      For primer design, it is recommended not to use the sequences in the articles, and if the sequence of the articles is used, its quality must be controlled using the available software. If you have the primer sequence, you can find the desired article by searching the sequence itself. On the other hand, in the articles, it is not necessary to provide a reference for the primer, and if you do not get the desired reference for any reason, you will not have any problems in printing the article.

  9. Hello and have a good time
    Is it possible to produce nanoemulsion from plant extracts using an ultrasonic homogenizer to be more effective?

    1. Greetings and Regards
      Nanoemulsions have at least two phases, water and oil. The oily phase of the plant, i.e. essential oil, is often used to produce herbal emulsions.
      The ultrasonic device is efficient for extraction, but other processes are needed to produce nanoemulsions from plant extracts that include the aqueous phase.

  10. Hello, I want to work on the anti-Alzheimer effects of two plants. And I wanted to see if the extract was nanoemulsified, would it be more effective than hydroalcoholic?
    In addition, I wanted to have a face-to-face consultation, how to make a reservation?

    1. Greetings and Regards
      Hydroalcohols are known as solvents for extraction of extracts, and the oily phase of the plant, i.e. essential oil, is used to produce plant emulsions.
      While nanoemulsion is a combination of oil and water phase, which is separate from extract extraction.
      For face-to-face consultation, call the center’s phone numbers so that a time for face-to-face consultation will be given to you.
      02166121976 – 02166121981 – 02166121983

  11. Hello, don’t be tired
    Is it possible to extract plant exosomes from green tea plant or other medicinal plants by your center? Is the effect of exosomes greater than hydroalcoholic extract?
    Do you know whether these types of exosomes can be used in studies related to biological samples such as semen and sperm samples?

    1. Hello
      Yes, it is possible to extract exosomes from medicinal plants in the nanobiotechnology unit of Histogenotech.
      Often, the effect of extracts is much greater than exosomes
      But due to the size of the nanoparticle in the exosome, its efficiency is higher in cellular and molecular studies.
      These nanoparticles can be used in various studies such as germ cells and embryological samples.

  12. Hello, I wanted to know if it is possible to prepare Beta vulgaris to feed pregnant mice, if so, how much is needed to feed 12 mice, and how much does it cost?

    1. It is possible to prepare beta vulgaris.
      Of course, it should be clear whether you need the plant or the extract of the plant. The dosage used in the study and the days of the study should also be determined.
      To get more detailed information and get free consulting services, call with numbers 02166121976 – 02166121981 – 02166121983

  13. Is it possible to measure the total amount of phenolic compounds and determine the percentage of their types in extracts from medicinal plants with antioxidant properties? If yes, in what way and are such services offered in your company?

    1. Hello, have a good time
      Yes, it is possible, first the compounds you want to be identified, in histogenotech, HPLC technique is used to measure the total amount of compounds.

  14. Hello, I would like to express my courtesy regarding the interpretation of pas coloring results. How can image j draw a diagram? I would appreciate your help and guidance. Thank you.

    1. Greetings and Regards
      Schiff’s periodic acid staining called PAS is used to identify mucopolysaccharides, glycoproteins, and glycogens for different tissues, including intestines, lungs, and stomach. In the intestinal tissue, the presence of goblet cells, which are responsible for the secretion of mucus in the intestine, can be seen with this staining in a flowery red color. In the lung, the secretions in the air sacs or in the walls of the bronchioles can be seen with this staining.
      In order to determine the percentage of a specific reaction in the cell by the image j software, first the cell or the studied area reacted with the desired color with the software, and then the software is compared to the entire photo or the total number of nuclei in the image. It reports the reaction rate as a percentage.
      To measure the area of ​​intestinal villi length with image j software, first go to the Analyze section in the software menu, the Set Scale section and record the scale size in the photo, and then draw a line around the villi with one of the pens available in the software. And then go to the Analyze section of the Measure section and see the measured area.

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