The most important key points in how to choose the topics and practical topics of the thesis
: A key and valuable choice for thesis and research topics in all basic medical sciences subjects, including
All branches of biology contains cellular and molecular biology, genetics, histology and pathology, reproductive and developmental biology, human and animal physiology, Physiology of Sport and Physical Education, anatomical sciences, microbiology, pharmacy, dentistry, clinical medicine and etc
Choosing a correct and interesting topic is the first step for a student to publish an article in a thesis
In all researches, especially the research projects of medical sciences for graduate theses (MSc and PhD), most of time and money is spent on repetitions and laboratory errors. Moreover, the lack of attention in choosing the type of subject and the title, the student faces many problems in publishing the article in different journals. This issue may takes months more time to solve the problem or even the article may not be published at all. It lead to fail the all efforts of the student to achieve the final goal. Therefore, in the first step, without a doubt, choosing a right topic with high innovation or an attractive title for the reviewers of the desired journal. This Smart choice in select article topics will lead you several months forward, and this is more than half of the way
On the other hand, having experience can surprisingly eliminate all the problems faced by post graduate students so that they can reach the end of the research as quickly as possible and with the lowest cost. This achievement ultimately leads to the rapid publication of articles with the highest international standards in the most high-status journals in the world. If this important achievement is mixed with creative ideas, expert advice in any field and evaluating the methods of conducting tests optimally, it will ultimately lead to the correct and targeted implementation of laboratory techniques in general or partial and finally analysis the results are correct
The selection of thesis topics and research projects is usually done by professors, students, researchers or special organizations. But what makes a researcher successful in conducting research and implementing laboratory techniques in a research project is choosing the right topic in line with the current standards guidelines in the word
The latest proposed topics for Histogenotic thesis According to the latest topics of the world
In this section, we discuss some of the general aspects of the thesis and research projects. In the following and in the attached contents, we will point out how to choose these subjects in detail, which can significantly improve the titles of biology fields such as cellular and molecular, genetics, histology and pathology, reproductive biology, animal physiology, exercise physiology and physical education, anatomical science, microbiology, pharmacy, dentistry and clinical medicine, etc., closer to the current issues of the world. Researching around these items can cultivate many ideas in your mind so that you can follow the desired research plan more exactly
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It should be noted that Histogenotec, as a scientific research center, provides its consulting services completely free and face-to-face to respected students and researchers.
Some of the important subject headings are detailed below:
Key topics in thesis and research with cellular and molecular focus
- ✔️Modifications in DNA structure during cancer treatment
- ✔️Evaluation of microRNA and protein content in the desired signaling pathways
- ✔️Production of various industrial cell lines (immortalization)
- ✔️Examining cell interactions with micropatterning in co-cultures of two cell lines in 2D or 3D culturing
- ✔️Tumor cell ultrastructure change during apoptosis induction
- ✔️ Cell manipulation for secretion of growth factors for cell therapy
- ✔️In vivo differentiated cell transcription and cell tracking
- ✔️ Bioinformatic evaluation of mRNA for biological information after microRNA transfection and stem cell differentiation
- ✔️Investigations of cell-cell interaction in differentiation culture media

Key topics in thesis and research with embryology and reproductive biology focus
- ✔️ Differentiation of germ cells in the specific environment to the target tissue on a variety of scaffolds and acellular tissues.
- ✔️ Evaluation of sperm chromatin structure and DNA fragmentation during sperm preparation techniques.
- ✔️ The role of granulosa cells during embryo development (ovarian follicular growth, egg maturation and treatment of diseases such as PCOS)
- ✔️Examining assisted reproductive techniques (ART, IUI, IVF, ICSI, etc.) on the egg and quality of the embryo
- ✔️Identification of biomarkers and changes in their signaling in the treatment of infertile men and women
- ✔️Investigation of a specific gene by knockout and overexpression of a gene in spontaneous abortion
- ✔️Analysis of teratogenic and toxic effects of drugs on the embryo quality and fetal DNA structure and chromosomal disorders
- ✔️Increasing or decreasing effects of different hormones on endometrial acceptance during the implantation window stage
- ✔️The role of the mother’s lifestyle (diet, smoking, alcohol, exercise, etc.) during pre-pregnancy and its effect on the phenotype of children

Key topics in thesis and research with neuroscience focus
- ✔️ The effect of neurotoxic agents on the proliferation and differentiation of nerve cells
- ✔️ Drug therapeutic effects (mostly natural) and hormonal treatment in neurological diseases (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Huntington’s, MS, etc.)
- ✔️ The function of inflammation and inflammatory biomarkers during the treatment and repair of the desired nerve tissue
- ✔️ Physiological effects of exercise including MIT and HIT exercises in spinal cord injury
- ✔️ Stem cells treatment (cell therapy) in the regeneration of nervous tissue in certain diseases
- ✔️ The effects of drug abuse in different areas of the brain, especially in the hippocampus and cerebellum, and examining the symptoms and risk factors of the brain
- ✔️ Effects of antioxidant supplements on stem cells proliferation and differentiation towards neural tissue and its implications for neurological diseases
- ✔️ Investigating histopathological and molecular events in effective signaling pathways during spinal cord injury
- ✔️ Adaptation of neuromuscular junction with exercise training at different ages (a systematic review of animal studies)
- ✔️ The role of the immune system in autoimmune disease or autoimmune disorders of the nervous system (pathophysiology, clinical features and treatment)

Key topics in thesis and research with active substance and extract focus (Special for interdisciplinary studies)
- ✔️The effects of plant extract and its functional mechanisms in repairing autoimmune diseases
- ✔️Effects of antioxidant and oxidative agents (ROS) of different plants on depression and sleep-wake rhythm
- ✔️Identification, analysis of plant active ingredients and their effectiveness on the body
- ✔️Simultaneous use of medicinal plants and modern medicine in chronic diseases
- ✔️The effects of cell therapy and plant extracts on cell proliferation, immune system and cancer cells treatment
- ✔️ Functional and structural evaluation of the target tissue treated with plant extracts in the treatment of various diseases
- ✔️The role of traditional medicine in the treatment of male infertility and its performance in hormonal secretions and sperm parameters
- ✔️Examining new methods of herbal extraction to obtain the highest dose and the highest quality of effective herbal ingredients
- ✔️Effects of herbal agents on signaling activation and molecular mechanisms on tumor cell apoptosis

Key topics in thesis and research with histology and pathology focus
- ✔️Histopathological examination of pancreas in diabetic model after cell therapy
- ✔️Pathophysiological analysis in the model of heart diseases and liver fibrosis after drugs administration
- ✔️Antioxidant effect evaluation and oxidative stress level in muscle tissue caused by hyperglycemia, or muscle trauma or…
- ✔️ Bone and cartilage histological changes during MIT and HIT exercise training
- ✔️Investigation of therapeutic reactions and immune response changes in heart disease after cell transplantation
- ✔️Morphometric measurement of lung tissue in the model of apoptosis induction by exposure to toxic gases
- ✔️The healing process of different degrees of wounds and burns during skin repair after scaffold grafting
- ✔️The effects of retinopathy in the diabetic model on changes in vascular factors and inflammation along with pharmacodynamic studies
- ✔️Repair of hair cells apoptosis in deaf model by antioxidant drugs
- ✔️Investigating glomerular defects in blood pressure model and renal abnormalities

Key topics in thesis and research with physiology (exercise, human and animal physiology) focus
- ✔️Guidelines for exercise training to improve atherosclerosis, stroke and Parkinson’s disease
- ✔️Relationship between the polymorphism of effective genes with cardiovascular complications along with the pharmacokinetic drugs assessment
- ✔️Evaluation of neurophysiological markers to monitor exercise and recovery cycles in endurance sports
- ✔️Quantification of essential and non-essential amino acids metabolites and neurotransmitters (NT) based on administration of metabolites in the form of nanoparticles in blood and brain.
- ✔️The effects of exercise as an alternative to chemical drugs in the treatment of depression, Alzheimer’s and etc. during elderly stage
- ✔️Evaluation of molecular biomarkers in prediction, diagnosis and prognosis of neurodegenerative diseases
- ✔️Investigating the kinds of supplement (synthetic and herbal) effects on muscle strength
- ✔️Regulating the electrophysiology of the nervous system, recording action potentials, and analyzing data in the heart and brain ischemia disease after simultaneous drug and exercise treatment.
- ✔️Investigating of cell therapy and recombinant drugs administration on nerve fiber repair and regeneration after spinal cord injury
- ✔️Dopamine and serotonin effect on sleep and wake rhythm in people with different social classes and different daily stress