Sport Physiology

sport physiology
Physical Education & Sport Sciences
Physical Education and Sport Sciences is one of the branches of human sciences that is linked in different ways with basic sciences and health sciences. Also, its role in preventing, rehabilitating and improving the physical and mental health of people in the community is undeniable. Physical education has a combined field characteristics that uses various sciences to reinforcement the body and the human psyche. This field, from one side, includes a number of basic medical field (examining the response of various tissues of the body to exercise). So that, Graduated of this field up to an expert medic familiar with human body and body tissue function. In this context Histogenetic is able to provide and educate the basic medical and sports medical services related to trends in this field (exercise physiology, Sport Injury Assessment and motor behavior).
Exercise physiology
Exercise physiology, is the study of body responses to physical activity and exercise training. These responses include changes in the metabolism and physiology of different tissue of the body, such as the heart, lungs, nerves, muscles and liver, and consider structural changes in the cells of these tissues following regular exercise training. In other words, in exercise physiology, understanding the effects of exercise training includes the study of specific changes in the muscular, cardiovascular and neuro-humoral systems. That leads to changes in body capacity and function due to endurance and strength training.
Some of the Exercise physiology techniques presented in The Histogenetech Co. :
Exercise Metabolism
- Diabetes Model + Exercise training (Endurance, Resistance, Interval).
- Diabetes Model + Exercise + Herbal Supplement or Probiotics.
- Fatty liver Model + Exercise training (Endurance, Resistance, Interval).
- Fatty liver Model + Exercise + Herbal Supplement or Probiotics
- Male and female infertility Model + Exercise training (Endurance, Resistance, Interval).
- Male and female infertility Model + Exercise + Nano and herbal supplement

Cardiovascular and respiratory
- MI Model + Exercise Training (Endurance, Resistance, Interval).
- MI Model + Exercise + Herbal Supplement or Probiotics.
- Cardiomyopathy Hypertrophy Model + Exercise Training
- Cardiomyopathy Hypertrophy Model + Exercise Training + Various Supplements (Herbal, Nano etc.).
- Pollution and toxicity Model (Cadmium, CPF, etc.) + Exercise Training (Endurance, Resistance, Interval).
- Pollution and toxicity Model (Cadmium, CPF, etc.) + Exercise Training Herbal supplement or probiotics.

- Alzheimer’s Model with Stereotox+ Exercise Training (Endurance, Resistance, Interval).
- Alzheimer’s Model with Stereotox+ Exercise Training + Herbal Supplement or Probiotics
- Parkinson Model + Exercise Training (Endurance, Resistance, Interval).
- Parkinson Model + Exercise Training + Herbal Supplement or Probiotics
- Muscle Atrophy model with suspension + Exercise Training (Endurance, Resistance, Interval).
- Muscle hypertrophy Model + Exercise Training + Various Hormonal Supplement

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